Hello, I created this website because I really believe in Nutritional Balancing and in the way it can change your life.
My name is Dragan Alexandru, I’m from Romania and I’ve been on this path for about 6 years.
All this time I worked with Dr. L. Wilson’s approved helpers following the protocol as strictly as possible. Being so very happy with my progress I want to share what helped me.
In 2018 I have completed the Basic Helper Training by drlwilson.com and obtained the Diploma in Basic Development Science from Westbrook University
Right after that I started offering hair mineral analysis interpretation and nutritional advice to family and friends. The most important thing for me is that Dr. Wilson reviews all my suggestions and interpretations and designs the protocol for each individual. This way I really am confident that the person receives the best expertise that I know of.
I know that in this day and age believing this whole science requires an overdose of trust so my hope is that my work will be a small but important bit that helped make the difference.
Besides this project, I also manage the Romanian website avemleac.ro that promotes Nutritional Balancing in Romania. The site contains mostly articles from drlwilson.com translated by me with permission.
If you want to support my work and my projects you can make a donation using the following link:
The money is used to pay for hosting and domains costs, website promotion and to offer some free NB services (Romania).